Est doloribus dolorem ut voluptas quibusdam qui incidunt enim qui inventore nostrum rem numquam natus. Et laboriosam sunt id dolore magni et quis quisquam qui galisum nesciunt. Qui cupiditate ipsam sed voluptas rerum nam aliquam laborum qui voluptate consequatur. Et omnis quasi aut adipisci doloribus eos architecto quam et maxime quisquam quo voluptate fugit vel sint distinctio.


The hotel is open year-round. Please contact us for any queries 02 48 54 22 44

CONTACT US 02 48 54 22 44


A journey into the heart of the vineyards

La Maison des Sancerre

Distance from the hotel

550 m

© Maison des Sancerre

Created by the winemakers of Sancerre, la Maison des Sancerre is open to the public and provides a wealth of information about our wine region and vineyards.

La Maison des Sancerre is open from April through to November and is the perfect place for a family day out and for those wanting to meet with winemakers and improve their knowledge of the vineyards. Guaranteed to arouse the curiosity of adults and children alike!

Situated in the historical town centre, near the church, la Maison des Sancerre promises an unforgettable experience combining virtual reality, interactive topography, educational videos and even a 4D cinema. A garden of aromas, a terrace area as well as activities for children will ensure a fun and educational day out and then of course there is also the tasting area and boutique offering artisan produce and works of art.

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